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R$ 60,00 REAIS

Yin Style Fundamentals
Fundamentals Sections here deal with all the basic positions and actions of the Yin Fu version of Ba Gua. Palm actions are covered first in detail. Then body movements such as turning and evading. Then foot patterns such as side stepping. Circling with all these movements combined is finally covered as the basis for further Ba Gua studies.

Yin Style 8 Turning Palms
Eight “short” turning palms distinguishable as having power in their composition. Yin Fu was a master of Luo Han and these show some of the fa Jing one might associate with that skill. The palms are relatively short and classically to the point. Some, however, definitely more challenging.

Yin Style Ba Gua Kicking
Basic kicks of Ba Gua including stomps, sweeps and low toe kicks. Essential and basic motions for the Yin Fu interpretation of Ba Gua kicking.

Yin Style Single Skills
A series of individual actions such as Xing Yi movements. Strikes that show the basic movements of Yin Fu style. Very good, simple basics to learn the fundamental strikes of Ba Gua.

Yin Style Traditional Push Hands Form
A linear set with a series of actions that are a bit “harder” than others in this series. Postures but also issuance of strength are emphasized. Every thing here is definitely based on the specialized postures and twisting actions of classical Ba Gua. A Double VCD.

Yin Style Traditional Form
Ba Gua Form almost a “structure” set. A Long Fist set with postures and poses based on Ba Gua. A linear series of movements but with emphasis on the twisting and postural structure of Yin Fu Ba Gua. Many poses similar to Single Whip. Softer and somewhat more fluid than the previous form. A Double VCD.

Yin Style Ba Gua Saber
Ba Gua Saber Eight changes based on circling with the Ba Gua Saber. Relatively simple and straight forward but nicely structured for mixing and matching. Really a more significant practice method for Ba Gua than memorizing a form.

Yin Style Health Aspects of Ba Gua
Basic postures such as might be considered the Old Palms with specifics about alignment, posture, opening closing etc. A breakdown of movements and actions with special attention brought to spine, waist and arm positions.

Yin Style Ba Gua San Shou
Simple and straight forward attacks and counters based on the elements of the Yin Fu Style Ba Gua forms. Many are simple looking but the technical exercises in Chinese show some of the interest in these particular moves.

Yin Style Ba Gua Chin Nah
A series of simple but good chin Nah moves based on Ba Gua. The emphasis here is not so much joint locking as simple, some times very simple, off balancing moves. Sort of throws without the hip actions.

Wang Shangzhi pratica Yin Family Baguazhang há mais de 60 anos. Ele aprendeu a arte com os familiares de Yin Fu e seu pai, que era discípulo do filho de Yin Fu.

Ele é especialista em todo o sistema familiar Yin e procura divulgá-lo a todos os interessados ​​em aprender.

Em 2011, o governo chinês nomeou-o “Heritor” (guardião) do “Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial da China” de Baguazhang. Ele sente essa responsabilidade e está empenhado em transmitir o mais alto nível do estilo Yin Baguazhang aos seus alunos.

Peso0.300 g
Dimensões15 × 20 × 0.5 cm
SKU: 913/934/5615 Categorias: ,