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Não importa se você é novo no jiu jitsu ou se é um velho veterano, não há nada pior do que passar a guarda e ter a alma esmagada nos tatames. Todo mundo tem aquela pessoa que é criptonita pura como guarda. Seja na academia ou em uma competição, há alguém por aí exercendo uma magia negra séria que faz parecer que todo o tempo que você dedicou aos tatames foi desperdiçado.

É como se não importasse o que você tentasse, eles seriam muito fortes e rápidos demais para você. E eles te esmagam, muito… Você já pensou… “Se eu fosse mais forte”, “Se eu fosse mais flexível”. A verdade é que desenvolver um bom jogo de guarda e devorar todas as técnicas que seu treinador e a internet têm a oferecer exige MUITO tempo e MUITO esforço… E se tornar um mestre em todas elas é absolutamente impossível… principalmente quando as técnicas que você aprende são completamente aleatórios e não se conectam.

Mas, e se não fosse esse o caso? Imagine como você se sentiria se tivesse em seu poder um sistema completo de jiu jitsu comprovado no mais alto nível de competição? Quão bom seria derrotar e frustrar consistentemente seu maior inimigo nos tatames, sem perder tempo tentando ser atacado ou destruir sua virilha para melhorar sua flexibilidade?

Course Curriculum

Chapter 1: Introduction & Concepts

·       1-1 Introduction to the Lapel Encyclopedia


1-2 Course Structure 04:20


1-3 Gripping Concepts 09:04


1-4 Intermediary Lapel Control 08:54


1-5 Avoiding Weak Foot Positioning & Using Lapel Lasso for Control 09:32


1-6 Finding Lapel Grips Everywhere 05:55


1-7 Finding Lapel Grips from More of Everywhere 05:13

Chapter 2: Playing Open Guard, Off Balances & Entries


2-1 Spider Hook Off-Balance 06:36


2-2 Foot Under Off-Balance 04:12


2-3 Forward Spider Push to X-Guard 08:07


2-4 Forward Spider Push to Crab Ride 03:21


2-5 Forward Spider Push to Single Leg X 03:50


2-6 Foot Under Off Balance to X-Guard04:45


2-7 Foot Under Off-Balance to Calf Slice 03:45


2-8 Foot Under Off-Balance to 50/50 04:38


2-9 Foot Under Off-Balance to Squid Guard 03:49


2-10 Belt Guard Control: Gripping Belt Knot 05:02


2-11 Belt Guard Control: Gripping Belt Length 05:06

Chapter 3: Recovering If Things Go Wrong


3-1 Upside Down Spider Kill Technique 07:36


3-2 Overhead Leg Swing Recovery Movement 05:47


3-3 Under Leg Swing Recovery Movement 05:08


3-4 Framing With Lapels 05:44


3-5 Avoid Using Your Foot as a Frame When Already Passed 02:03


3-6 Avoid Using Your Foot as a Frame When Already Passed Except in this Situation 04:16


3-7 Dealing With Strong Torreandos & Recovering Lapel Guard 03:27


3-8 Using Baby Hooks & the Pancake Philosophy 05:28


3-9 Using Lapels to Escape from Double Unders With Your Foot in the Collar 03:14


3-10 Overhook Wrench 03:14


3-11 Underhook Wrench02:29


3-12 How to Escape When You`re Fully Stacked03:18

Chapter 4: Worm Guard


4-1 Basic Worm Guard Entry08:27


4-2 Entry from Single-Leg X02:32


4-3 Lapel Lasso Entry03:05


4-4 Control Points, Balance and Weaknesses08:26


4-5 The Very First Worm Guard Sweep Ever06:23


4-6 Worm Guard Scissor Sweep03:24


4-7 Emergency Exiting the Worm & Becoming a Wrestler05:35


4-8 Deep De La Worm Back Take06:45


4-9 Fancy Spinning Sh*t04:22


4-10 Using Shin to Shin to Secure Knee Over Knee06:33


4-11 Dealing With Spazzy Guys Who Do Ninja Rolls and Cartwheels04:40

Chapter 5: Ringworm Guard


5-1 Ringworm Guard Introduction03:43


5-2 Knee Step Sweep04:59


5-3 Deep De La X Sweep04:05


5-4 Stand Up to Single Leg04:56


5-5 Elevation Sweep06:48


5-6 Double Under Lapel Wrench06:26


5-7 Double Under Judo Choke04:01


5-8 How to Worm Guard When Opponent Passes on Both Knees04:01


5-9 Lapel 2-on-1 Triangle12:20


5-10 Using Lapel Lasso to Deal With Opponent on Both Knees06:05


5-11 The Polish Worm Rider07:09


5-12 Just Another Polish Worm Rider Sweep02:44

Chapter 6: Reverse De La Worm


6-1 Setting Up Reverse De La Worm04:36


6-2 Reverse De La Worm Back Take06:37


6-3 Reverse De La Worm Armbar10:57


6-4 Shin to Shin to Force Knees to the Mat04:55


6-5 Reverse De La Worm with Same Side Lapel04:51


6-6 Wormnado Sweep04:37

Chapter 7: Squid Guard


7-1 Squid Guard Introduction07:04


7-2 Squid Guard Double Ankle Pick04:10


7-3 Squid Guard Double Leg04:00


7-4 Squid Guard Inversion Sweep04:48


7-5 Kind of the Same Inversion Sweep from a Different Angle02:45


7-6 Squid Guard Omoplata07:51


7-7 Squid Guard Reverse Lasso Sweep04:29

Chapter 8: Gubber Guard


8-1 Gubber Guard Introduction09:38


8-2 More Gubber Guard03:44


8-3 Gubber Guard Wormoplata07:08


8-4 Gubber Guard Triangle05:30


8-5 Gubber Guard Monoplata05:57


8-6 Gubber Guard Flavio Canto Choke03:33


8-7 Gubber Guard Cross Choke03:04


8-8 Gubber Guard Flower Sweep05:57

Chapter 9: Submissions


9-1 Wormhat Choke10:59


9-2 Lapel Lasso Overhook Omoplata04:03


9-3 Lapel Lasso Overhook Triangle02:04


9-4 Lapel Lasso Overhook Baratoplata02:36


9-5 Lapel Lasso Overhook Armbar04:54


9-6 Ninja choke06:39


9-7 Closed Guard Lapel Choke04:56


9-8 Brabo Choke09:33


9-9 Brabo Choke from the Bottom07:50


9-10 Tabletop Choke07:18


9-11 Gi-Zekiel01:40


9-12 The Goop Choke04:30

Chapter 10: Lapel Lasso


10-1 Lapel Lasso Introduction01:20


10-2 Lapel Lasso 101 – Controls And Fundamentals06:51


10-3 Recovering Lapel Lasso When Your Opponent Steps Over Your Leg02:52


10-4 How To Prevent Your Opponent Stepping Over Your Leg03:06


10-5 What To Do When Your Opponent Stands Straight Up03:17


10-6 Countering The Double Unders And Initiating An Unfair Scramble04:36


10-7 Countering The Double Unders To The Baratoplata04:14


10-8 Countering The Double Unders To The Tarikoplata04:12


10-9 Quickly Submitting An Opponent Who Sprawls On Your Lapel Lasso03:16


10-10 Cutting Your Opponent’s Head Off To Counter The Early Smash Pass05:55


10-11 Lapel-O-Plata Guard Recovery Movement05:58


10-12 Lapel-O-Plata Sumi Gaeshi04:52


10-13 Lapel-O-Plata Sumi Gaeshi Against A Standing Opponent07:04


10-14 The Polish Worm Rider To Wheelbarrow Sweep07:23


10-15 The Polish Worm Rider Back Take Armbar Combo04:49


10-16 Lapel Lasso Triangle Set Up04:16


10-17 More Lapel Lasso Armlocks And Back Takes04:22


10-18 Worm Drag05:08

Chapter 11: Belt Guard


11-1 Belt Guard Intro11:00


11-2 Belt Guard – Kiss Of The Dragon07:12


11-3 Belt Guard Emergency Protocol07:11


11-4 This Should *Knot* Be Legal07:09


11-5 Reverse De La Worm Jr.07:05

Chapter 12: Single Leg X Worm


12-1 Single Leg X Worm Intro08:39


12-2 Inside Sankaku Entry from Single-Leg X Worm05:19


12-3 What`s Legal & What`s Not08:30


12-4 Troubleshooting Common Mistake of Inside Sankaku Entry06:03


12-5 Single Leg Worm Tilt Sweep07:11


12-6 Transition from Single-Leg X Worm to Worm Guard04:48


12-7 Single Leg X Worm Skewer Technique07:50

Chapter 13: Platinum Worm (Lapel Passing)


13-1 Intro to Chapter 1301:55


13-2 Why This Passing Style Was Developed10:39


13-3 Intro to the Platinum Worm08:32


13-4 Platinum Worm Lvl. 109:49


13-5 Platinum Worm Lvl. 207:22


13-6 Platinum Worm Lvl. 306:23


13-7 Platinum Worm Lvl. 404:24


13-8 Platinum Worm Lvl. 504:26


13-9 Platinum Worm Lvl. 606:42


13-10 Platinum Worm Lvl. 703:12

Chapter 14: Worm Wrestling


14-1 Worm Wrestling Intro01:24


14-2 Single Leg & Double Leg Basics02:28


14-3 Reinforcing the Single Leg With the Lapel05:55


14-4 Reinforcing the Double Leg With the Lapel02:35


14-5 Basic Back and Forth Takedown04:53


14-6 Adding Some Judo to Finish the Lapel Single03:50


14-7 More Options for When Someone Has BASE04:48


14-8 Switching Grips For More Finishing Potential04:14


14-9 MORE Finishing Options02:41


14-10 Lapel Single Leg to Double Leg02:27


14-11 Knee Tap Double Leg01:57


14-12 The Ultimate Double Leg Finish03:48


14-13 Getting to the Double Leg from Squid Against a Scared Opponent05:58


14-14 Super Strong Control With a Single Grip04:55


14-15 Exiting Classic Worm Guard & Countering the Knee Slide05:49


14-16 Classic Worm Smash Passing Defense04:10


14-17 Exiting Reverse De La Worm03:03


14-18 Defeating a Passive Opponent07:34


14-19 Why is Worm Wrestling So Powerful? Fear.04:49


14-20 Ankle Wrap (Counter to Common De La Worm Escape)10:04

Chapter 15: Graceful Exits


15-1 Introduction to Graceful Exits01:25


15-2 Gracefully Exiting After the Basic Worm Guard Sweep & Avoiding the Single Leg X05:22


15-3 Gracefully Exiting After the Basic Worm Guard Sweep & Backstepping the Single Leg X06:22


15-4 Gracefully Dismantling the Single Leg X04:10


15-5 Gracefully Disintegrating the Single Leg X05:05


15-6 Gracefully Exiting the Tripod Sweep05:58


15-7 Gracefully Exiting the Polish Worm Rider08:07


15-8 Gracefully Exiting the Polish Worm to Worm Wrestling02:49


15-9 Gracefully Exiting the Reverse De La Worm When You Miss the Back05:10


15-10 Gracefully Exiting the Wormnado02:55


15-11 Gracefully Exiting the Squid Guard to the Stack Pass02:21


15-12 Gracefully Exiting the Omoplata From Squid Guard03:06


15-13 Gracefully Exiting the Seesaw Game From Reverse De La Worm 0104:22


15-14 Gracefully Exiting the Seesaw Game From Reverse De La Worm 0202:14


15-15 Gracefully Berimboloing To The Back Against Cowards06:39

Chapter 16: Demi Guard


16-1 Introduction To The Demi Guard08:41


16-2 The Basic Demi Guard Sweep04:58


16-3 Forcing The Basic Demi Guard Sweep03:32


16-4 Lateral Tilt Sweep From Demi Guard04:30


16-5 Demi X Guard Sweep04:28



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