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Pague em até 12x sem cartão de crédito. Saiba mais
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Hudson taylor magic mat workHUDSON TAYLOR – MAGIC MAT WORK

R$ 60,00 REAIS


Finally Have The Secrets And Tricks Behind Hudson Taylor’s Magic Touch On The Mats Revealed In This 8-Volume Mega Series

  • After one of the best NCAA pinning careers ever, All-American and ACC Champion Hudson Taylor is here with a full masterclass on how to manage a match and turn anyone
  • Hudson Taylor is now joining with Fanatic Wrestling to show the mat work and match management that led him to being one of the top-10 NCAA pin leaders of ALL TIME
  • In this new 8-volume instructional series, Hudson goes through every detail you’ll ever need to pin at the highest levels of the sport. The former Terrapin brings an incredible wealth of knowledge for the viewers
  • No matter how you prefer to ride on top, there is a highly detailed system here that gives you combinations of moves that you can keep cycling through, always chain wrestling while you work from referee’s position
  • Whether it’s cradles, tilts, half nelsons, or with boots in, build out your skill set and start picking up back points asap with Hudson’s help

Hudson taylor magic mat work 1 Hudson taylor magic mat work 2

Peso0.150 g
Dimensões20 × 15 × 5 cm
SKU: 5204 Categorias: ,