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Eduardo Telles Octopus With PajamasEDUARDO TELLES – OCTOPUS WITH PAJAMAS

R$ 30,00 REAIS

Master The Unorthodox And Highly Effective Octopus Guard Technique With Eduardo Telles, The Legendary BJJ Black Belt And Innovator Through His Thorough And Detailed Instruction!

  • Elevate your ground game by learning from the innovator himself, Eduardo Telles, as he shares his unique insights and strategies for dominating opponents using the Octopus Guard in the GI.
  • Unlock new possibilities in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Eduardo Telles’ expert guidance, as he breaks down the intricacies of the Octopus Guard, offering invaluable tips and adjustments for seamless execution.
  • Gain a competitive edge on the mat by delving into the unconventional yet powerful Octopus Guard system, honing your skills under the mentorship of Eduardo Telles, a renowned figure in the BJJ world.
  • Experience a paradigm shift in your BJJ journey as you embrace Eduardo Telles’ innovative approach to the Octopus Guard, refining your techniques and broadening your arsenal with this game-changing strategy.

Course Content

Volume 1

Intro0:00 – 0:44
Octopus Sweep From Half Guard0:44 – 2:24
Octopus Sweep From Half Guard Posting The Elbow2:24 – 3:24
Back Take From Half Guard Using Octopus Guard3:24 – 4:55
Octopus Butterfly Sweep4:55 – 5:42
Octopus Butterfly From Ninja Roll To Back Take5:42 – 6:19
Toptopus Giving The Sweep And Take The Back6:19 – 8:12
Octopus Roll8:12 – 8:44
Faking The Sweep To Back Take8:44 – 9:26
Octopus To Transition To Turtle9:26 – 9:58
Octopus From Closed Guard Taking The Back9:58 – 12:03
Octopus From Closed Guard Grabbing The Sleeve12:03 – 13:58
Octopus Hip Bump Sweep13:58 – 16:53
Octopus Hip Bump Sweep Posting The Elbow16:53 – 18:07
Octopus From Half Guard With Butterfly Hook Going To The Back18:07 – 20:25
Butterfly Octopus Sweep20:25 – 21:53
Butterfly Octopus Sweep To Ninja Roll Back Take21:53 – 23:22
Toptopus Back Take23:22 – 26:37
Counter Attacking Toptopus26:37 – 29:55
Cancelling The Octopus With Kata Gatame29:55 – 32:41
Cancelling The Octopus With Ezekiel32:41 – 34:16
Octopus From Reverse Half Guard To The Back34:16 – 36:07
Octopus From Reverse Half Guard With Sweep36:07 – 39:16
Outro39:16 +
Peso0.150 g
Dimensões20 × 15 × 5 cm
SKU: 05178 Categorias: ,