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R$ 45,00 REAIS


Knife & Bayonet Fighting

·         Starring: Grandmaster David Chaanine

·         Format: 3 DVD Complete Set – DVD / MP4

·         Language: English Language

·         Region: Region Free


Grandmaster David Chaanine is the Founding Father and pioneer of Taekwondo in Lebanon. Through countless demonstrations and teaching to hundreds of people, he spread Tae Kwon-Do throughout Lebanon. He also introduced the art to other Arab countries. This happened long before the birth of the WTF.

In 1965, Grandmaster Chaanine began instruction in Taekwon-Do, a style called Chung Do-Kwan. He became a 1st Dan in 1967. When the International Taekwon-Do Federation was formed, his qualifications were examined and was awarded 1st Dan in 1970 by the ITF.

Nearly everyone practicing Taekwondo in Lebanon today, is either a student or former student of Grandmaster Chaanine, a student of his student or a student of his students’ student. With the help of many dedicated students, his two brothers Jean and Milad, the late Fred Sarraf, Dr. George Ghanem, and Mr. Hussain Hamdan, to mention a few, helped TKD spread throughout Lebanon.

Grandmaster Chaanine holds respect and admiration for his mentor and the founder of modern Taekwon-Do, Gen Choi Hong Hi, whom he says is the only legitimate founder of the modern Taekwon-Do.

Before Taekwon-Do, there were many martial arts in Korea. For further knowledge about this subject refer to General Choi’s TKD book.. When the ITF was formed, many great masters were dispatched around the world to familiarize the existing instructors who taught the old methods of the Korean style with the newly developed one, Taekwon-Do. One of those was Master Jae Hwa Kwon.

In Munich, Germany, 1971, the First European Taekwon-Do Festival was held. Grandmaster Chaanine competed and placed first in forms and sparring as a representative from Lebanon. Grandmaster Chaanine wearing his first place medal from the International Taekwon-Do Championships in Munich.

In 1972, Taekwon-Do began its birth among the army elite with the help of his dear friend and student, General Mahmoud Abou Dargham, the founder of the Al Magaweer. Many dedicated officers in the military academy practice Taekwondo.

From 1968 to 1976, Grandmaster Chaanine promoted Taekwon-Do in Lebanon. At this time Taekwon-Do was in its infancy world wide. With the guidance of General Choi and his two visits to Lebanon with a team of his elite students, Grandmaster Chaanine was able to give credit to the art he teaches to this day. The many students that follow his guidance have become the elite of Taekwon-Do in Lebanon.

After the Grandmaster left Lebanon for the United States in 1976, his students and the art saw chaos and disorder. In 1989 the LTF was organized.


01.   Chaanine Executive Knife Defense:

(approx. 60 mins)


02.   Chaanine Bayonet Fighting Volume 1 – Fundamentals:

(approx. 60 mins)


03.   Chaanine Bayonet Fighting Volume 2 – Advanced Techniques:

(approx. 75 mins)

Peso0.300 g
Dimensões15 × 20 × 0.5 cm