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R$ 60,00 REAIS

Crie um sistema completo de proteção para a parte inferior do corpo com o instrutor de nível internacional Ariel Tabak e sua masterclass de 6 partes!

  • Ariel é um competidor internacional talentoso com um olhar atento aos detalhes que podem levar a melhorias drásticas no seu jogo!
  • Domine algumas das guardas mais eficazes do Jiu-Jitsu com os guias detalhados de Ariel sobre Guarda X, Guarda K, 50/50 e variações de cada uma!
  • Force os oponentes a entrarem em territórios difíceis de defender com ataques implacáveis ​​de caranguejo que podem ser usados ​​para pegar as costas e passar a guarda.
  • Solucione reações comuns e desenvolva sequências ofensivas que melhorarão drasticamente sua capacidade de varrer os oponentes.
  • Assista a exemplos em tempo real de maestria na X-Guard com a análise de rolamento de Ariel para ter uma ideia da mentalidade de um jogador de guarda de alto nível!
  • Abra caminho constantemente por baixo dos oponentes com uma variedade de entradas em posições vantajosas que tornam suas varreduras ou defesas INEVITÁVEIS!
  • Ameace os oponentes como nunca antes com chaves de perna que combinam perfeitamente com outras opções ofensivas!

Course Content

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Volume 01



Open Guard Compendium: Lower Body Guards. Introduction0:00 – 1:35
Outside De La Riva (DLR) Guard1:35 – 1:59
Components of the DLR Guard1:59 – 6:00
Common uses6:00 – 7:32
Frames7:32 – 10:32
Off balancing10:32 – 15:53
Specific goals of the DLR hook15:53 – 21:08
How ankle to hip distance affects the grip we make on the DLR leg21:08 – 22:44
Significance of opponent’s ankle positioning relative to your hips22:44 – 24:18
Knee positioning with the outside DLR hook24:18 – 27:10
Microbattles27:10 – 29:25
DLR Guard Microbattles. Hip hinge with tricep extension29:25 – 30:35
DLR Guard. Microbattles of non-DLR leg30:35 – 35:25
DLR Guard Microbattles.Hip hinge with collar and pant35:25 – 37:30
DLR: Troubleshooting Microbattles. Troubleshoot clearing hook37:30 – 38:14
Troubleshoot clearing foot off hip38:14 – 38:54
Troubleshoot to clearing hook by off balancing to far side38:54 – 40:24
Troubleshoot hanging off pants with hip hinge40:24 – 44:17
Troubleshooting opening knee44:17 – 46:17
Troubleshoot for opening knee via attacking far leg with K guard/scoop46:17 – 47:39
Troubleshooting late stage shin fold over DLR leg47:39 – 51:13
Troubleshooting shinfold with X guard entry too far side off balance51:13 – 59:37
Free foot pommelling vs opponent trying to attack/trap free foot59:37 +

Volume 02



DLR Guard. Identifying when to bail in the DLR0:00 – 4:03
The Headquarters position / “R” Guard. Introduction and microbattles4:03 – 5:38
Early stage prevention/retention of HQ5:38 – 11:33
Mid/late stage HQ retention11:33 – 21:39
Being offensive from the HQ/R guard21:39 – 22:36
Common trends in top tier guard players22:36 – 24:21
Overview off common off balance methods24:21 – 25:53
Goals for off balancing25:53 – 27:03
Microbattles27:03 – 28:28
Grip break troubleshoot28:28 – 30:03
Troubleshooting the folding/smash pass30:03 – 33:18
Smash pass vs HQ. Knee positioning of DLR leg for retention and off balancing/offense33:18 – 35:37
Retaining vs the smash with high pummel and straight collar frame35:37 – 38:22
Positioning &orientation of trapped knee in HQ guard38:22 – 40:08
Knowing when to bail to outside leg position40:08 – 40:44
Early stage shin on shin pummel to enter the legs40:44 – 43:20
HQ/R Guard. Off balancing from the HQ/R guard43:20 – 47:35
Attacking with the HQ/R Guard47:35 – 49:42
HQ/R Guard Attacks. Transitioning to a leg entanglement (X guard variant) from the off balance49:42 – 51:38
How to swim the feet to the inside to transition to an X guard variant51:38 – 56:45
Static transitions to the legs without off balancing56:45 +

Volume 03



HQ/R Guard Attacks. The Seagull Sweep0:00 – 1:38
The importance of getting far knee to the floor for seagull sweep1:38 – 5:21
Mechanics of the get up5:21 – 10:12
Finishing the unfair single leg (collar + pant grips)10:12 – 14:42
Additional sequences to add to the unfair single leg finish14:42 – 16:16
Inside + Outside leg trip options for opponent’s who maintain a very upright posture in the single leg16:16 – 17:48
Why we face our hips to the near side as opposed to the far side17:48 – 22:46
Getting up against a standing opponent (far knee is off the floor)22:46 – 30:00
Common mistakes with the standing seagull variation30:00 – 33:35
Dealing with the hip switch/back step from the standing seagull variation33:35 – 36:20
Re-cap of Seagull get up mechanics36:20 – 40:05
HQ/R Guard Attacks. Entering the legs when our opponent counters the initial off balance40:05 – 44:44
Differentiating between HQ off balance and Waiter off balance in terms of where our opponent lands44:44 – 45:58
Comparing the foot pummeling from each type of off balance (R guard vs Waiter off balance)45:58 – 50:24
Waiter guard from HQ microbattles50:24 +

Volume 04



HQ/R Guard Attacks. Near side HQ/R Guard attacks0:00 – 4:56
HQ/R Guard Near side Attacks. Entering the X guard from attacking to the DLR side (near side to far side off balance)4:56 – 7:17
Dealing with an opponent who does not take their weight to the far side (maintains their weight on the DLR side)7:17 – 7:52
Inside Sankaku transition7:52 – 16:14
Foot work for inside sankaku transition16:14 – 17:33
When to triangle the legs for the inside sankaku entry17:33 – 20:48
Using a backstep/backwards roll to transition to the inside sankaku when your opponent brings their DLR20:48 – 25:54
Common mistakes with the inside sankaku transition + reverse X guard troubleshoot25:54 – 37:33
Coming up to take top position with or without the inside sankaku37:33 – 42:42
Attacking from the forwards off balance / hips to the mat balance42:42 – 51:24
Common mistakes (hips towards mat sequence)51:24 – 54:46
Basic modified X guard transition from scooping the far leg54:46 +

Volume 05



Attacking to the DLR Side. Outside berimbolo series0:00 – 1:12
Attacking to the DLR side. How to initiate the outside berimbolo1:12 – 11:18
Controlling the far leg11:18 – 20:31
Basic baby bolo back take20:31 – 25:23
Finishing mechanics of baby bolo25:23 – 26:28
Hip height concept: pushing hips between your legs26:28 – 28:35
Common mistakes with the basic baby bolo28:35 – 32:03
Concepts of taking the back: #1 Intension of “seeing” the back32:03 – 32:56
#2 Cross body / diagonal control concept32:56 – 34:48
#3 Preventing trunk (torso) rotation34:48 – 35:57
#4 Creating inside knee pressure: preventing the knee from turning towards you35:57 – 37:26
Microbattles: Basic baby bolo sequence37:26 – 37:51
Crab ride baby bolo variation (vs opponent clearing the top foot)37:51 – 42:42
Details for finishing crab ride baby bolo42:42 – 49:51
Leg drag baby bolo sequence (vs opponent clearing DLR hook)49:51 – 1:00:47
Attacking to DLR side. Basic baby bolo vs wide base1:00:47 – 1:09:22
Basic baby bolo vs wide base + straight collar grip frame1:09:22 – 1:17:46
Wide base + straight collar grip frame: Duck under variation1:17:46 – 1:19:40
Basic baby bolo vs hips to the mat (hiding back exposure)1:19:40 – 1:21:19
Slingshot Berimbolo (Basic berimbolo)1:21:19 – 1:28:09
Common mistakes with the Slingshot berimbolo1:28:09 – 1:35:25
Outside berimbolo vs wide base + hips to the mat1:35:25 – 1:54:54
Importance of elevating your hips if you lose a frame1:54:54 – 1:57:37
Introduction to leg weave1:57:37 – 2:02:28
Leg weave. Smashing the legs to one side to threaten back exposure2:02:28 – 2:06:04
Ways to improve control whilst inverted2:06:04 – 2:11:41
How to take top position2:11:41 – 2:17:37
Passing from the leg weave. Taking back from the leg weave2:17:37 – 2:24:48
Passing to the mount from the leg weave / top bolo position2:24:48 – 2:34:40
Diagonal control back take from the leg weave2:34:40 +

Volume 06



Leg weave. Common mistakes with the diagonal control0:00 – 2:44
Diagonal control back take finish from leg weave2:44 – 4:52
Introduction to the stacked berimbolo4:52 – 10:20
Stacked Berimbolo. Leg positioning10:20 – 13:34
Stack drill13:34 – 15:33
Goals to achieve during the stack15:33 – 18:42
Finishing the back take from the stack18:42 – 23:42
Twister hook back take23:42 – 37:17
Different ways of stacking from the berimbolo37:17 – 43:33
Dealing with the stiff arm frame when stacking43:33 – 55:45
Dealing with the Re-bolo55:45 +

Volume 07



Attacking to DLR side. What to do when we lose the knee line during a Berimbolo0:00 – 3:19
Shin behind knee position. Importance of controlling top leg3:19 – 5:09
Importance of pinning legs to one side (single siding)5:09 – 5:52
How to control top leg5:52 – 7:11
Exposing the space between the calf and hamstring7:11 – 9:33
The leg drag9:33 – 11:45
Hook placement for shutting down the bottom leg using the leg drag11:45 – 14:36
Common mistakes with the leg drag14:36 – 18:18
Head positioning for the leg drag18:18 – 20:19
Re-capturing the knee line and attacking the berimbolo20:19 – 22:24
Stacking with the shin behind knee22:24 – 26:20
Finishing the back take from the shin behind knee stack26:20 – 28:01
Purpose of each drawstring grip in the shin behind knee stack28:01 – 31:26
X’ing the body back take (inspired by Lee Ting and Tomoyuki Hashimoto)31:26 +

Volume 08



Countering the counters (Berimbolo). Mermaid mount0:00 – 8:36
Stepping on torso introduction8:36 – 12:28
Countering the step on torso from the stack12:28 – 14:15
Using the shoulder lift to bypass stepping on the torso14:15 – 14:55
Countering the counters (Shin behind knee). Stepping on torso14:55 – 27:02
How to follow up your attacks after you address your opponent’s counter27:02 – 29:16
Countering the counters. Spinning through to the near side X guard or shin behind knee when you can’t attach non-DLR leg to far hip29:16 – 35:39
Dealing with the same side stiff arm when trying to connect the non-DLR foot to the far hip35:39 – 39:04
Attacking the crab ride baby bolo from the near side X/shin behind knee entry when you can’t connect your non-DLR foot to the far hip39:04 – 41:42
Attacking to DLR side. Using the Berimbolo to sweep41:42 +

Volume 09



Attacking to DLR side. DLR foot lock0:00 – 7:53
DLR foot lock finishing mechanics7:53 – 10:43
Changing to a different leg configuration if DLR leg positioning is lost10:43 – 12:53
Berimbolo from DLR foot lock12:53 – 14:20
Countering the scoop vs the DLR foot lock14:20 – 16:19
DLR: Attacking to the Far Side. Waiter Guard variants16:19 – 17:51
Attacking to Far Side. Overhook / hugging DLR17:51 – 19:48
Transitioning to the waiter from the deep overhook19:48 – 28:20
Overhook Waiter Guard. Using the waiter guard to enter a berimbolo sequence28:20 – 38:30
Applying our waiter berimbolo to our standard berimbolo attacks38:30 – 40:00
Waiter Berimbolo vs far knee to the floor (lowered base)40:00 – 44:42
Switching to the underhook waiter + sweep/back take combination to troubleshoot the hips to mat response44:42 – 52:09
Connecting foot to hip (high waiter guard) variation + different ways of rolling to expose the back52:09 – 58:56
Transitioning to a leg entanglement to troubleshoot the hips all the way to the mat response58:56 – 1:00:22
Entering a leg entanglements to counter your opponent’s scoop on your DLR leg1:00:22 +

Volume 10



Attacking to Far Side. Underhook DLR Introduction0:00 – 5:45
Underhook DLR. Off balancing to the far side5:45 – 12:47
Re-cap of far side off balance sequence12:47 – 14:31
Attacking the near side to further expose the far side off balance or the back take14:31 – 16:27
Attacking to Far Side. Dark DLR off balancing to the far side16:27 – 19:54
Exposing the back if the knee points towards the floor19:54 – 21:20
Forcing the somersault from excessive inside knee pressure21:20 – 22:20
Basic far side DLR attacks22:20 – 24:08
Advantages of using outside leg position to off balance to the far side (as opposed to inside leg position)24:08 – 26:26
Transitioning to a leg entanglement from the fas side off balance26:26 – 28:17
Using the far side off balance to re-expose the angle for the basic baby bolo sequence28:17 – 32:34
Common mistakes with the far side off balance to re-exposing the basic baby bolo32:34 – 34:15
Transitioning to the seated guard34:15 – 35:56
Transitioning to the deep DLR guard to expose the back35:56 +

Volume 11



Reverse (Inside) De La Riva Guard. Introduction0:00 – 3:53
RDLR/Inside DLR. Off balancing3:53 – 7:14
Context of the RDLR (when to use this guard)7:14 – 10:20
Fundamental retention to outside leg position10:20 – 13:06
RDLR to K guard (near side)13:06 – 15:31
Using the shin-on-shin hook to bring the knee to the mat or enter a leg entanglement15:31 – 17:20
Modified X guard attack from the initial off balance17:20 – 20:42
Wrestling up from the RDLR20:42 – 23:04
Transitioning to a seated guard23:04 – 24:22
Inside berimbolo / “Kiss of the Dragon”24:22 – 27:53
Basic inside to outside berimbolo sequence27:53 +





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